How can you adapt your email strategy post-campaign?

How can you adapt your email strategy post-campaign?

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Following the run of every successful email marketing campaign, there should be some time for analysis in order to build your strategy for the next campaigns. Here is how you refine your strategy in order to maximize engagement and conversion rates:

Analyzing Campaign Performance

Review Key Metrics
Start off by analyzing the KPIs of your campaign. Take a closer look at metrics such as open rates, CTR, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. These numbers will give you an understanding of what elements of your campaign worked with your audience and which ones did not.

Segment Your Audience

It is also the best time during the post-campaign period to segment based on engagement level. You can group subscribers into Bulk Email Data active, inactive, and new subscribers categories. This segmentation allows for more personalized communication in subsequent campaigns so that your emails are targeted at each of the segments.

Refining Your Content

Use that knowledge from the campaign to personalize your email content. It can be something as trivial as using the name of the subscriber, sending them recommendations about items related to their purchase history, or even giving them deals relevant for them. Personalized emails lift both engagement and conversion rates.

A/B Testing

You can even consider running A/B tests on every possible nuance of your emails, from subject lines to content formats to calls to action. Testing these variables will give you an idea about what works and what doesn't, what your target audience likes and what it doesn't. Besides understanding this, you'll also learn how to construct your future campaigns based on the insights collected.

Reinvigorating Your Strategy

Frequency and Timing
Assess cadence and send timing of your email: If your unsubscribe rate was high, that may be a telltale sign you were sending too many emails. If engagement was low, perhaps revisit the frequency at which you send or experiment with various times of day to reach your audience.

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